“Stan Efferding's Vertical Diet and Peak Performance 2.0 Review.” The Lifter Perspective, 29 Apr. 2018, lifterperspective.com/reviews/stan-efferdings-vertical-diet-and-peak-performance-2-0-review/.
1) Calorie Balance: In order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. This is influenced by many different factors but it is the single biggest consideration when losing or gaining weight.
2) Macronutrients: Macronutrients are what make up the vast majority of a diet and consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The most important macronutrient to consider when losing weight is protein. Consuming more protein is beneficial for retaining and gaining lean mass. It also has a higher satiety factor that will help you feel more full throughout the day.
3) Nutrient Timing: This is not nearly as important as calorie balance and macronutrients. With that being said, I like to plan the majority of carbs around workouts. Carbohydrates are a great fuel source and when working out you deplete your glycogen stores, which post-workout carbs will help replenish.
4) Supplements: Basic Recommendations: Daily multivitamin; Vitamin D3; Fish oil; Whey Protein Isolate; Creatine. All these have been clinically shown to be beneficial to general health/longevity or performance.
General Diet Considerations:
Calorie counting is an excellent way to track how many total calories you are consuming throughout the day. I suggest trying this method to get a picture of what your normal eating patterns look like from a calorie stand point. However, calorie counting can be time consuming, difficult and often inaccurate. Using these general guidelines can help gets things moving in the right direction.
-Protein portion: one palm
-Veggie portion: one fist
-Carbohydrate portion: one cupped hand
-Fat portion: size of a thumb
A good started point would be 1-2 protein portions per meal, 1-2 veggie portions per meal, and 1 portion of both fats and carbohydrates. Individual needs and how many meals you are eating per day may cause this to fluctuate but generally speaking this is a good jumping off point.
-Salmon, tuna or most any fish
-Lean beef, (90% lean or more, Top Sirloin etc..)
-Eggs (especially whites)
-Chicken Breast
-Low fat pork
-Turkey breast
-Cottage cheese
-Greek yogurt
-Whey protein
-Sweet potatoes
-Oat meal (preferably overnight oats)
-Bran cereal
-Brown rice
-Sourdough bread (limit to 2 slices a day)
-Maltodextrin/Dextrose (intra or immediately post workout)
-Stay away from refined grains and anything that says enriched or high fructose corn syrup on the label.
-Olive oil
-Egg yolks
-Fish oils (in supplement form or from fatty fish like salmon)
-Flax/flax seed oil
-Other fat should come as a by-product of protein and carb sources.