Complex C

Hanging out at Jesse and Jen’s a few days before we left Lawrence.

Hanging out at Jesse and Jen’s a few days before we left Lawrence.

Training 05/21

2 mile walk with the fam.

Dan John’s “complex C” 3 x 8 just with the bar. Felt good to go through some movement.

Single KB press 3 x 5-3-2

AB wheel 3 x 5

Going to take the next two days either completely off or do some light sled dragging. Planning on seeing where my overhead press is at before we hit the road. Started the month 40lbs away from a body weight clean and strict press. If things are going right this should be a bit closer.

Dan John Complex C

Hang snatch

Overhead squat

Back squat

Good mornings


Deadlift ( I usually use a snatch grip)



