Easy Day
Easy laid back day. Started off with our family two mile walk. This has become a daily event from the start of the shut down. It gives us 30-40 minutes of fresh air and sunlight without any temptation to look at a screen. Drew loves pointing out the birds and the cows and our neighbors dog "Moose.” Wyatt loves to fall asleep about 5 minutes in everyday. Last week we picked up a child carrier called the “Minimeis.” Feels similar to a ruck and Drew loves it. Drew is about 30 pounds and the system itself is about 5 so adding a total of 35ish pounds to my walk is just about perfect.
I didn’t train today but Brigette got a good one in. Squats, Single KB presses and some sled drags with a badass new harness that arrived this week. Had some fun and Drew also went for a ride.
Tomorrow starts my training for May. Looking forward to putting some weight over my head.