Presses and Tire Flips

Started off the day with another beautiful morning walk. Had Drew in the stroller because we are hiking as family tomorrow and she will be in the carrier for a few hours.

Training went well.

Started with a general movement warmup. I have been doing this one that was put together over at ——— It is simple, takes a few minutes and has had me feeling a little more limber and just better in general. Add in a few Goblet squats, KB swings, push-ups and Hip Circle work and I’m ready to go.

Clean and Press. 3 x 5 @ 95, 115, 125 Hang clean each rep. Later in the week I’ll be doing some presses with no cleans in between.

Tire flips. 3 x 8

TRX curls, tri-extensions and lateral raises. 5 x 10

Finished with some light sled drags. Just walking the driveway. Kept it shorter today because of the hike tomorrow. The route should be right around 7 miles. Planning on doing my monthly 24 hour fast starting tonight and going to dinner tomorrow. The hike with the fast should make for a challenging day and a well deserved dinner.


Hike and 501 kg Deadlift


Easy Day