Hike and 501 kg Deadlift

Walking the Levee Trail along the Kansas River. Lawrence, KS.

A summer feeling was in the air today. Beautiful sunny day. We ended up doing 6 miles along the Kansas River. Saw some cool graffiti, a coyote and met up with two great friends at the halfway point. Drew had a bunch of fun riding in the Minimeis and Wyatt did great in the carrier. I don’t know if its the high vantage point or if shes just a natural but Drew is one observant little girl. Calling out every dog, plane, bird and bike along the way.

The amount of people we saw out today was awesome and everyone seemed to be respecting social distancing. Always brightens my day a bit when I see a family spending quality time being active and letting kids be kids.

The hike itself was really enjoyable and being fasted wasn’t to bad. As I write this I am 3 hours out from the 24 hour mark. I have a glass of Buffalo Trace bourbon and some chicken and bison Tacos waiting for me. Needless to say I will devour that when the time comes.

Halfthor Bjornsson also broke the all time world record deadlift today with 501kg. Truly an incredible feat of strength. He then challenged Eddie Hall to a boxing match. Awesome.


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