New routine
As we settle into the new house and with Brigette’s residency on the near horizon, my training will be shifting slightly. I no longer have my former landlord’s set of weights so any significant deadlifting will be out the window for a bit. With that in mind, I will be transitioning over to Dan John’s easy strength for olympic lifting. This is pretty straight forward. I will be breaking it down into two shorter training sessions a day, 5 days a week. Mornings will be a 30 minute walk with the dogs followed by a short warm up and finished with a barbell complex. Reps and sets will vary. Afternoon/evenings will be a short warm up followed by Clean & Press, Snatches and a carry or sled drag. I’m replacing the Clean and Jerk with the press because that bodyweight clean and press is still my priority. The plan is to do this mon-fri and then on Saturday go play around/hike in the mountains with the family.