Pressing in the rain

Brigette and I working hard getting these kids up one of the hills on our daily walk. Also Drew has a pretty swollen nose from a fall into the fridge. She is one tough girl!

Training for the day.

Clean and Press. 3 x 3 @ 110, 125, 140

Single KB press: 3 x 8 @ 55 lbs

Chin up: 3 x 10

Ab Wheel: 3 x 5

2 mile walk with Drew in the Minimeis pack.

Weights felt great today. Everything moved well. As I started my clean and presses it began to rain and my garage ceiling is to short for me to press in, so outside I went. I’m glad this doesn’t happen everyday but I do enjoy training in the elements and just dealing with whatever Mother Nature throws at me. Chin ups for sets of 10 were very easy. I’m debating between adding weight or adding time hanging in the bottom position and holding in the top position after each rep. Pull-ups and chin ups and some of my favorite exercises but when I overdue them my elbows let me know.

I was planning on ended the workout with some bear crawls dragging the sled. It worked out that Drew woke up from her nap right as I was finishing up so we just went for our walk instead.

On a non-related training note my wife officially graduates medical school in two days and my brother and sister in law are coming out to celebrate with us. Going to be a great weekend!


Congrats Dr. Schuman!!
