Training 06/29-07/03


Switching things up a bit. My right (arthritic) knee and right shoulder have been acting up a bit. Something about my snatch is off so the daily olympic lifting is going to have to stop until I can find a good coach to look things over for me. Until then, I will be going back to Wendler’s 5/3/1 progression on the press and I have a lead on some more plates so hopefully I will get back to some deadlifting as well. I’m going to be throwing in complexes at least one day a week and one day of some type of sprint work, most likely hill sprints, because I have been missing that feeling lately.


Press: 3 x 5 @ 105, 125, 135

Complex A: 3 x 5 @ 95lbs

KB swings x 75 @ 55lbs

TRX row x 50

Goblet squat x 50 @ 55 lbs

Band resisted push-up x 50


20 sprints up and walks back to the bottom at the local high school football bleachers.


Deadlift 3 x 8 @ 225, 255, 275 followed directly by a 20 yard bear crawl and stone carry.

Overhead squat: 3 x 8 @ 95 lbs

High kneeling KB press: 3 x 5 @ 55lbs

Single arm TRX row: 3 x 8


Dog walk, yard work and 10 minutes of throwing a medicine ball around the back yard.


75 swings @ 55lbs

50 OHP @ 95lbs

50 BB rows @ 95 lbs

50 Front squats @ 95lbs

10 minute EMOM 5 KB snatches left and right. 100 total


Training 07/05-07/11


Easy Strength Wk 3